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Home » Boat Insurance for Water Sports
mayo 28, 2024

Boat Insurance for Water Sports

Boats and water sports can offer fun and exciting ways to enjoy the great outdoors. However, these activities may also come with their own set of unique risks and exposures. Regardless of safety measures or experience levels, accidents and other mishaps may still occur, making appropriate loss control measures necessary. With this reality in mind, those who own boats and engage in water sports should prioritize acquiring and maintaining suitable boat insurance.

Side view of anonymous male in casual clothes setting sail on traditional boat floating on river on sunny day

Why Do You Need Boat Insurance?

Boat insurance is generally designed to protect you from financial losses in case of an accident or other incident involving your boat. These policies may cover various watercraft, including fishing boats, Jet Skis and sailboats. If you’re involved in water sports, risk levels are typically even higher.

What Does Boat Insurance Cover?

Boat insurance policies can be customized to suit your needs but often include coverage for damage to your vessel, as well as personal liabilities and medical needs arising from onboard incidents. Specifically, the following components may be common:

  • Bodily injury liability coverage can help pay for the medical expenses of other parties, such as fellow participants or spectators whom you may injure.
  • Property damage liability coverage may assist with repair or replacement costs should you damage someone else’s property, such as by colliding with their vessel or pier.
  • Collision coverage can help pay for repairs to your own boat due to a collision.
  • Comprehensive coverage may provide a payout for incidents other than crashes, such as fires, storms and vandalism.
  • Medical payments coverage may help you financially manage injuries sustained by you or others on your vessel.

Special Coverage for Water Sports

If you’re involved in water sports, you might want to consider additional coverage. This can include coverage for towing and assistance if your boat breaks down, personal belongings stored on the vessel and water sports equipment, such as fishing gear. Some insurers may also offer more robust liability coverage for water sports activities, potentially protecting you financially if you injure someone or damage another boat while participating in water sports.

Choosing the Right Boat Insurance

When choosing boat insurance, consider the type of boat you have, its value and how you use it. When involved in water sports, look for a policy that offers the additional coverage you may need due to higher risk levels or greater potential losses. It may be beneficial to enlist the assistance of an independent agent, such as those at Monroe Insurance Agency.

With over 100 combined years of experience in the industry and a vast network of highly rated carriers, our team is well-positioned to help you secure the right policy. Visit our website or call 386-427-1341 to learn more.

This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.

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